
Sarah Howells

イギリスのSarah Howells
ポップバンドPaper Aeroplanesのボーカルですが

最新曲 Venom One feat. Sarah Howells - Rushも近日リリース

Sarah and Richard of Paper Aeroplanes grew up 30 miles from each other along the coast of West Wales, in houses you could see the sea from. They spent their formative years walking on cold beaches, messing in rock pools and finding records in charity shops - a world, and two hour drive, away from the nearest music scene. Or Topshop.

Paper Aeroplanes have been described as folky, acoustic, well-crafted, haunting and emotive -but let your ears make up their own mind.

John O'Callaghan feat. Sarah Howells - Find Yourself (Official Music Video)

Dash Berlin ft. Sarah Howells - Go It Alone (Official Music Video)

Simon Patterson feat. Sarah Howells - Here & Now (Official Music Video)

tyDi feat. Sarah Howells - Acting Crazy (Official Music Video)

Venom One feat. Sarah Howells - Rush

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