アイルランドのNeev Kennedy
アイルランドといえばAudrey Gallagheですが、
Hey everyone :)
I decided to set up a soundcloud account because I have a good few demos and instrumentals that I've recorded just hiding away on my laptop... so I said I'd put them up here instead and let ye see what I'm doing!
Just to let ye know, almost all of these songs were recorded on my laptop with a usb mic or in college.... so this is pretty much my scrapbook... the sound quality isn't great in some as they're nearly all a work in progress :)
最新曲はオランダの Radion6 とコラボ
Radion6 & Neev Kennedy - Nothing Here But Goodbye (Original Mix)
AurosonicはProgressive Mixの曲がいつもいい
Aurosonic & Neev Kennedy-Now I See (Progressive Mix)
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